The following query uses the status bits in master..syslogins to identify locked logins
select name from master..syslogins where status&2=2
The various status bits in syslogins correspond to the below, to find them in syslogins simply substitute 2 above with the relevant number:
2 – Account is locked.
4 – Password has expired. This is set on the user’s first login attempt after expiration.
8 – Indicates that the value of exempt inactive lock is set to TRUE. It is not applicable for login profile rows.
16 – OMNI:autoconnect mode is enabled.
32 – May use SAP ASE internal authentication mechanism – syslogins.
64 – May use LDAP external authentication.
128 – May use PAM external authentication.
256 – May use Kerberos external authentication.
512 – Indicates a login profile.
1536 – Indicates a default login profile.
2048 – Indicates an authentication mechanism specified in a login profile.
There are actually 3 tables which will need to be copied over and synced up, they are syslogins, syssrvroles and sysloginroles.
The below steps will vary a bit but for example if you are upgrading from Sybase version 12 to 15 then you would do the following steps, for other ASE versions you might need to change the temp table a bit:
Source Server
The first step is to bcp out these tables (syslogins, syssrvroles and sysloginroles) from the source Sybase server and copy the files over to the destination.
e.g bcp master..syslogins out syslogins.out -U<Username> -S<Servername> -n -X
From destination server scp the files across e.g.
scp* /tmp/t
Destination Server
- Create the temporary syslogins table on the new server
sp_configure ‘allow updates to system tables’,1
USE tempdb
/*drop table dbo.temp_syslogins
CREATE TABLE dbo.temp_syslogins
suid int NOT NULL,
status smallint NOT NULL,
accdate datetime NOT NULL,
totcpu int NOT NULL,
totio int NOT NULL,
spacelimit int NOT NULL,
timelimit int NOT NULL,
resultlimit int NOT NULL,
dbname sysname NULL,
name sysname NOT NULL,
password varbinary(130) NULL,
language varchar(30) NULL,
pwdate datetime NULL,
audflags int NULL,
fullname varchar(30) NULL,
srvname varchar(30) NULL,
logincount smallint NULL,
procid int NULL,
lastlogindate datetime NULL,
crdate datetime NULL,
locksuid int NULL,
lockreason int NULL,
lockdate datetime NULL,
lpid int NULL,
crsuid int NULL
You may need to tweak the column types depending on which version of Sybase you are importing from, check their source syslogins table to double check.
- Now bcp in the logins which was bcp’d out on the old Sybase server
bcp tempdb..temp_syslogins in syslogins.out -Usa -P -SMICOY2 -n -X
- Make a note of the highest suid currently in master..syslogins
- Check to see which logins already exist in master..syslogins and identify any clashes
select s.suid, t.* from tempdb..temp_syslogins t, master..syslogins s
Make a careful note where there is a discrepancy in suid’s. If any entry in source has a higher suid that the current highest suid in master..syslogins (e.g. if the highest current suid is 7 and ipgbmsed2 is 7 in master..syslogins but 8 in temp-syslogins) then you need to make a note to remove any special privileges away from suid 8 in temp_sysloginroles later on, if it has any. If the suid is within the current highest suid’s then it will be removed automatically in the delete before the insert, so just ignore.
also run
select,, t.*
from tempdb..temp_syslogins t, master..syslogins s
where t.suid =s.suid
and not in (select name from master..syslogins)
Here if you have a situation where an SUID in source clashes with a new one on the destination (i.e they have different names and the source name does not exist in destination) then you will need to increment the suid number in the temp syslogins and also temp sysloginroles table later on.
- From the second part above Increase the suid of any source login which clashed with destination
update temp_syslogins
set suid=3006
where suid=6
- Delete existing logins which match by name
delete from tempdb..temp_syslogins
where name in (
select from tempdb..temp_syslogins t, master..syslogins s
- Now copy the syslogins over to the master..syslogins table
insert into master..syslogins
select * from tempdb..temp_syslogins
- Create the temp_syssrvroles table
USE tempdb
CREATE TABLE tempdb..temp_syssrvroles
srid int NOT NULL,
name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
password varbinary(128) NULL,
pwdate datetime NULL,
status smallint NULL,
logincount smallint NULL,
locksuid int NULL,
lockreason int NULL,
lockdate datetime NULL
- bcp in the entries from source
bcp tempdb..temp_syssrvroles in c1p16_sysroles.out -Usa -P -SMICOY2 -n -X
- Check to see if there are any clashing srid’s in the source compared to destination, it should be ok from ASE15.7 to 16
Select s.srid as master_srid, as master_name,
t.srid as source_srid, as source_name, t.*
from tempdb..temp_syssrvroles t, master..syssrvroles s
where t.srid=s.srid
IF there are any clashes from above, which from 15.7 to 16 there should not be, then Update any srid’s which conflict with existing srid’s in master..sysrvroles e.g.
update tempdb..temp_syssrvroles
set srid= 133 where srid=33
- Check to see if there are clashing role names in the source to destination
Select s.srid as master_srid, as master_name,
t.srid as source_srid, as source_name, t.*
from tempdb..temp_syssrvroles t, master..syssrvroles s
If there are any clashes from the above query then we delete the srid from the temp table, we will also later need to update sysloginroles to use the srid which already exists in master.
delete from temp_syssrvroles
where srid=34
- Delete the srvroles which already exist in master from the temp table.
delete from tempdb..temp_syssrvroles
where srid <=33 –Biggest srid currently in master..syssrvroles is 33
- Copy the roles into master.syssrvroles
insert into master..syssrvroles
select * from tempdb..temp_syssrvroles
- Create the sysloginroles table
USE tempdb
CREATE TABLE dbo.temp_sysloginroles
suid int NOT NULL,
srid int NOT NULL,
status smallint NOT NULL,
predid int NULL
- BCP in the entries from source
bcp tempdb..temp_sysloginroles in c1p16_sysloginroles.out -Usa -P -SMICOY2 -n -X
- Update the same suid as you did for syslogins
update tempdb..temp_sysloginroles
set suid = 3006
where suid=6
- Delete any suid’s from temp_sysloginroles which already existed at the start in master..syslogins and master..sysloginroles
delete from tempdb..temp_sysloginroles
where suid <=8 –highest suid recorded earlier
- Delete any suid’s from temp_sysloginroles which were previously a mismatch between master..syslogins and temp_syslogins
delete from tempdb..temp_sysloginroles
where suid in (10)
- Update any srid number which you had to update previously in the syssrvroles step e.g.
update tempdb..temp_sysloginroles
set srid= 133
where srid=33 — Updated srid from tempdb..syssrvroles
- If there were any incidents of the same role name having different srid’s in syssrvroles (the second check) then you need to update the srid:
update temp_sysloginroles
set srid=33
where srid=34
- Delete any rows from temp_sysloginroles which doesn’t have a matching suid in master..syslogins
delete from tempdb..temp_sysloginroles
where suid not in (select suid from master..syslogins)
- Make sure everything looks ok
select * from tempdb..temp_sysloginroles
- Now Copy the roles into master.sysloginroles
insert into master..sysloginroles
select * from tempdb..temp_sysloginroles
- Remove Update to system tables
sp_configure “allow updates to system tables”, 0
Synchronize Logins
The next steps relate to synchronizing the suids after you have loaded the old database into the new server.
- First thing is to enable updates to system catalogs
sp_configure ‘allow updates to system tables’,1
- Then if you had to alter/increment any suid’s in syslogins earlier then you will also need to do this in the sysusers for any database that has suid of e.g 6:
update sysusers set suid=3006
where suid=6
- Next check whether there are any aliases set up without matching entries in syslogins:
select * from sysalternates
where suid not in (select suid from master..syslogins);
If you find any entries which do not match with anything in syslogins then they should be deleted from sysalternates:
delete from sysalternates
where suid not in (select suid from master..syslogins)
- The next check is to find situations where the same name in syslogins and sysusers has a different suid.
select l.suid ‘Login suid’,u.suid ‘User suid’, ‘Login name’, ‘User name’
master..syslogins l, sysusers u
where = and l.suid != u.suid and != “dbo”
If this finds any mismatches then the following query will resync the suids in the user database with the suid’s in syslogins.
update sysusers
set u.suid = l.suid
from sysusers u, master..syslogins l
- A follow on check is to see whether there are any users who have a different name to their syslogins name but with the same suid’s.
select l.suid,u.suid,, from master..syslogins l, sysusers u
where l.suid = u.suid and != and != “dbo”
if that returns some rows then they need to be deleted from sysusers with the following query:
delete from sysusers
where suid in (select suid from master..syslogins)
and name not in (select name from master..syslogins)
and name != “dbo”
- You should also check for any users in sysusers which do not match anything in syslogins
select * from sysusers u
where u.suid not in (select suid from master..syslogins)
and name != “dbo”
and suid > 0
These can be removed with
delete from sysusers
where suid not in (select suid from master..syslogins)
and name != “dbo”
and suid > 0
- Disable updates to system tables
sp_configure ‘allow updates to system tables’,0
To restore a failed master database, perform the following steps:
- Run dataserver with the –b and –d options to create a new master device:
dataserver -d /dev/rsd1b –b 100M - Start SAP ASE in single-user mode:
startserver -f RUN_SYBASE –m - You can use the master database, but presently it doesn’t have any references
to any user databases or sybsystemprocs.
If master was expanded beyond its default size, run alter database to extend it. - Update the backup server name in sysservers if it isn’t SYB_BACKUP:
begin transaction
update sysservers set srvnetname = “PROD_BACKUP”
where servname = “SYB_BACKUP”
commit transaction - Load the backup of the master database; after the load completes, it will shut
down SAP ASE automatically:
load database master from “/full/path/name/master.dump” - Start SAP ASE in single-user mode, and check that all databases/devices/logins
appear to be restored correctly. - If everything appears okay, you’re nearly done. Shut down and restart SAP ASE
normally, and skip to step 9. - If everything doesn’t appear okay, you have more work to do. If additional
devices, databases, logins, or users of master were created after the last backup
of master, you’ll need to re-create them.
SAP ASE provides two commands to recover existing devices and databases to
a restored master database:
– disk reinit
– disk refit
Use disk reinit to recover devices created since the last dump of master; disk
reinit restores information to sysdevices without reinitializing the device,
which retains the data which is on the device. Values supplied to disk reinit
should match values supplied to the original disk init command.
The syntax for disk reinit follows:
disk reinit name = logical_device_name,
physname = physical_device_name,
vdevno = virtual_device_number,
size = number_of_pages | K | G | T
disk refit is used after running disk reinit to rebuild the sysusages and sysdatabases tables in master from the database fragments found on the restored devices.
- Assuming you need to run it, after executing disk refit, SAP ASE will automatically
shut down the server. You should restart SAP ASE in single-user mode
and verify that all databases are properly restored and are the correct sizes. Run
dbcc checkalloc() on all recovered databases. If everything appears okay, shut
down and restart SAP ASE normally. Any changes or additions to logins, configuration
options, remote servers, remote logins, and roles will still need to be
The moral of the story is to keep frequent backups of the master database! Best
practice is to schedule a nightly backup of the master database. In addition, back
up the master database after each command that affects disks, storage, databases,
segments, logins, roles, and so on.
Since ASE15.7 SP100 you don’t need to worry about creating a database in the same sequence of data and log segments when loading a dump from another database, this is something which you had to do previously.
Now the only consideration is that you have enough space for data device and log device. So for example if you are loading from a database which was created in this sequence; Data 5, Log 5, Log 5, Data 15, Log 5 and finally Data 10. then all you need to do now is;
Create database dbload with data on datadevice=”30M” and log on logdevice=”15M”
and then load the database, the load then sorts the fragments into the correct order automatically.
Sybase has a relatively new backup called cumulative which backs up all the changes in the database since the last Full Backup/Dump and can be used in between Full Backups and Tran backups to give greater flexibility, especially on large databases. It is similar to the Differential Backup in SQL Server
To enable this backup for a database you must first enable the “allow incremental dumps” option in the database: e.g sp_dboption <dbname>, ‘allow incremental dumps’, true
You can then issue the cumulative backup command as long as there is an existing valid Full Dump backup:
dump database <dbname> cumulative to “/tmp/tore1-cum.dmp”
To load the cumulative dump the syntax is:
load database <dbname> cumulative from “/tmp/tore1-cum.dmp”
Backup / Restore order
In terms of using the cumulative backup you could for example take a weekly Full backup, then daily cumulative backups and hourly transaction log backups.
So in a recovery situation you would first recover the Full Backup, then the latest Cumulative Backup and finally the transaction log dumps up to the required point in time.
The Repserver interfaces file will need entries for both Primary and Replicate Dataservers and the Primary Dataserver’s interface file will need an entry for the Repserver.
- Lets first set some things set up and make a note of various user accounts and passwords.
Make a note of the various logins passwords you need; Dataserver sa login, Dataserver maint login (which needs to be created on both dataservers), Replication server sa login and Replication server Repagent login.
Unless you have an account with the same name/password on all three servers (RepServer and two dataservers), e.g sa, you will also need to create a RepAdmin Login on the RepServer and two Dataservers giving it sa_role and replication_role on the Dataservers and sa role on the RepServer. This login MUST be used when defining the subscription later on.
If it already exists drop the maint user from the primary and instead alias the maint user to dbo, e.g sp_addalias Database_maint, dbo
- Create the connections to the source(pubs2) and replicant(pubs2_rep) databases using rs_init, marking pubs2 as being replicated.
- After the connections are created you need to disable the firing of any triggers on the replicate side with:
Alter connection to <replicate server>.<replicate db>
Set ‘dsi_keep_triggers’ to ‘off’
- Mark the whole Primary/Source database (e.g pubs2) for replication with
Sp_reptostandby pubs2, ‘all’
You can also just mark individual table(s) for replication with;
use pubs
sp_setreptable table_name, true;
- If you are setting the whole database to replicate (sp_reptostandby) then you also need to enable warm standby transactions which enables/allows replication of DDL statements.
sp_config_rep_agent pubs2,
- Make sure the repagent is up and running as that is needed for the dump marker to trigger below. This can be checked in the Primary Dataserver with sp_help_rep_agent and also on the RepServer with admin who. Another thing to check is for a valid secondary truncation point in the primary database. You can check this with dbcc gettrunc and look for the secondary trunc state, it should be 1 for valid. If its not then stop the rep agent, then run dbcc settrunc (‘ltm’, ‘valid’), then in the RSSD run rs_zeroltm <primary server>, <primary db> and then back in the primary db start up the repagent and again check for the secondary truncation point.
- Assuming the above is fine we now Create the Database replication definition using RepAdmin login:
create database replication definition pubs2_rdf
with primary at <Primary server>.<Primary DB>
replicate ddl
- Define subscription to database rep def using RepAdmin login:
define subscription pubs2_sub
for database replication definition pubs2_rdf
with primary at <Primary server>.<Primary DB>
with replicate at <Replicate server>.<Replicate DB>
use dump marker
One very important thing to note with create or define subscription is that the Login you use to run this, either interactively or through a script, must exist on the primary (and secondary) dataserver and the RepServer with the same name and password.
You can check the creation of the subscription in the RepServer errorlog, there should be a line saying “Placing marker in <Primary server>.<Primary db> log”
- Dump the Primary Database
Once the dump is complete you should check the RepServer errorlog again, as soon as the dump marker gets processed there should be an entry in the log like:
“Distributor for ‘<Primary server>.<Primary DB>’ received and processed enable marker. Distributing commands to replicates.
Distributor for ‘<Primary server>.<Primary DB>’ received and processed dump marker.
The DSI thread for database ‘<Replicate server>.<Replicate DB>’ is shutdown.”
- Now Load the dump into the Replicate DB and Online the database
- You now add the maint user as an alias to dbo (or equivalent permissions) for the replicate database, unless it has exactly the same suid on both servers in which case it will already be aliased to dbo but check this.
- Now remove the secondary truncation point from the replicate database with
dbcc settrunc (‘ltm’, ‘ignore’)
- Resume connection to the replicant database dsi
Resume connection to <Replicate server>.<Replicate DB>
- That should be it, you should now have database replication set up between pubs2 and pubs2_rep, which you can test by creating a new table and entering some data in pubs 2 and checking it gets created and sent across to pubs2_rep.
BTW to allow replication of DDL statements you might need to enable ‘ddl in tran’ in the replicate database but I think this is already covered in the “Alter connection to <replicate server>.<replicate db>” Step but in case of any errors/issues just be aware of it.
Use master
sp_dboption pubs2_rep, ‘ddl in tran’, true
extract script (extract.sql):
select ‘grant select on ‘ + name + ‘ to READ-ROLE_RO’ from sysobjects where type in ( ‘U’, ‘V’)
Command to create set_perm.sql script:
isql -Udbaxx_operxx -SSYBSERV11 -P* -DDB1 -iextract.sql -oset_perm.sql
–Group creation script READ-ROLE_RO.sql which adds the group to relevant users
sp_addgroup READ-ROLE_RO
sp_changegroup READ-ROLE_RO, bichdanxx
sp_changegroup READ-ROLE_RO, rattparxx
sp_changegroup READ-ROLE_RO, ramasatxx
sp_changegroup READ-ROLE_RO, ramedilxx
sp_changegroup READ-ROLE_RO, singchadxx
sp_changegroup READ-ROLE_RO, rathharxx
isql -Udbaxx_operxx -SSYBSERV11 -P -iREAD-ROLE_RO.sql -DDB1
Command to execute set_perm script to set read permissions for all tables and views to that group:
isql -Udbaxx_operxx -SSYBSERV11 -P* -iset_perm.sql
— Various parameters that can improve the performance of the Replication server
rs_configure memory_limit, ‘200’
— dsi_sqt_cache_size
alter connection to DCOCCDWP.defacto set dsi_sqt_max_cache_size to ‘62914560’
suspend connection to DCOCCDWP.defacto
resume connection to DCOCCDWP.defacto
— Cache system tables
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_classes to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_databases to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_columns to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_config to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_datatype to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_functions to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_objects to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_publications to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_queues to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_repdbs to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_repobjs to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_diskaffinity to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_routes to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_systext to ‘off’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_sites to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_version to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_users to ‘on’
configure replication server set sts_full_cache_rs_translation to ‘on’
rs_configure sts_cachesize, ‘3500’
/* REP15 extra settings:
— Parallel dsi
alter connection to DCOCCDWP.defacto set parallel_dsi to ‘on’
suspend connection to DCOCCDWP.defacto
resume connection to DCOCCDWP.defacto
rs_configure exec_sqm_write_request_limit, ‘983040’
rs_configure md_sqm_write_request_limit, ‘983040’
rs_configure smp_enable, ‘on’
— Also a good idea to use disk affinity to bind connections to their own partitions:
— e.g alter connection to DCO.ProductCatalog_new set disk_affinity to ‘P08’
1. First you need to create a new directory on Unix for the installation, e.g /progs/fps/sybase15, and copy the installation tar file to the unix machine, and uncompress and untar it. If there is no room any other place on the machine just place it into a subdirectory under sybase15.
2. Make sure that the os has the necessary patches, if not arrange for them to be installed.
3. You will need to ask the Unix sa to create a new raw device for you, sybsystemdbdev of about 128MB for the new sybsystemdb database, e.g /dev/vg_fps/rlv_systemdbdev and also check the size of the sybsystemprocs device, it should be at least 160MB in size, if it’s less ask the Unix sa to create a new raw device for you, e.g /dev/vg_fps/rlv_sysprocsdev2
4. Run setup to install ASE15 into its own separate directory (setup -console ), e.g sybase15, answer no to the question of licenses, we will fix this later on. So specify:
– Change the installation directory to e.g /progs/fps/sybase15
– Select Full installation
– If asked about licenses select Continue installation without a license key
– Enterprise Edition
– SR : Server License
– The answer yes to continue without license.
– No to configure email alerts
Check that all the options are correct, especially the install directory, and click 1 to install the files.
– Answer NO to the remember password feature question.
– Deselect all the servers from configuration, we are not building the server now.
5. You should install the latest patch for this version of ASE which can be downloaded from, just remove the original installation files and replace them with the patch files then run the patch. Do the patching after the sybase server is upgraded.
6. Make sure the existing Sybase server is sourced and is displayed in DSQUERY etc then run the script /progs/fps/sybase15/ASE-15_0/upgrade/preupgrade specify the sa password for the existing server to check that everything is in place for an upgrade. This programme will let you know if you need to increase any parameters etc and also if you need to expand any databases. Answer NO at the end when it asks if you want to proceed with the upgrade, this is just a precheck. You will most probably need to extend sybsystemprocs and sybsystemdb onto the new unix devices created earlier and also extend model to at least 4MB, in fact all user databases must be at least 4MB. If everything is fien then the last two lines should say:
Preupgrade of Adaptive Server to 15.0 is complete.
Upgrade eligibility test succeeded.
7. You now need to add the following 3 environment variables to the SYBASE.csh file:
OLDSYBASE= current SYBASE variable
8. Source the new SYBASE.csh and create a resource file in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/init/sample_resource_files from the template where you fill in the values for the old $SYBASE path, Sybase server name, Login (sa), and the password for current sa login on existing server.
9. Turn off auditing on the existing sybase server and completely uninstall the sybsecurity database and sybaudit and reboot the Sybase server. Do an sp_configure “auditing”, 1 to make sure the auditing subsystem is switched off, VERY IMPORTANT!!
10. You then run the upgrade with $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin/sqlupgraderes –r $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/init/sample_resource_files/<resource file>
Upgrade the RSSD database, start with the ID server.
- Install the new software for replication server version 15 on your system. Put it in a new directory e.g /progs/torigodb/syb_rs15. After gunzipping and untarring the rep server tar ball run ./setup –console:
– Accept the license agreement and select Full installation.
– Answer no to “Will licenses be obtained from the License server”.
– No to configure email alerts
– No to start a sample rep server
- You can then install any required Sybase patches, e.g ESD1
- Generate a license key (through and store it in the SYSAM-2_0/licences directory.
- Copy any custom scripts over from the old repserver, e.g .cshrc, repscripts etc, and modify as necessary, i.e change SYBASE path etc.
- Run “rs_helpsub” from the rssd database to verify that all subscriptions are valid. The status only needs to be Valid at the replicate replication server.
- Copy the interfaces file (or interfaces) from the pre version 15 to the version 15 installation.
- Log on the RSSD ASE server and grant the primary user the sa_role “grant role sa_role to <username>” if it doesn’t already have it. You can determine the name of the primary user by looking into the configuration file, at the keyword RSSD_primary_user.
- Log on to the replication server and run “admin health” to see if everything is ok.
- Shutdown the replication server, backup the RSSD database then restart the replication server.
- Leave repserver running.
- Set the environment variable $SYBASE to the new REP15 installation directory
- Set the environment variable SYBASE_REP to REP-15_0
- Start $SYBASE/$SYBASE_REP/install/rs_init (rs_init)
- Select “Configure a Server product” -> “Replication server” -> “Upgrade an existing replication server”.
- Answer all the questions. The configuration file should be the path and filename of the old config file.
- Do Ctrl-A to start.
After a succesfull upgrade
- Repoint the replication server paths to the new installation and copy the old runserver file to it’s new location. Make sure to change the paths in the runserver file to pick up the new version 15 executable and correct config files etc. Also copy over the old config file.
- Fix or copy any other files bespoke files, You need to update the file $SYBASE/config/objectid.dat file and add a line similar to