Installing RepServer 15

Installing RepServer 15

–          Untar the repserver installation files into a seperate directory and install the binaries etc by running setup –console. Answer no to email alerts and don’t enter license information.

–          If you are migrating from an earlier version of Repserver and you have already migrated the ASE server then you need to make sure that the rep server logins are not expired, (e.g REP_dhtsolo_RSSD_prim and REP_dhtsolo_RSSD_maint). If they are expired, just try to login to the ase with them, you will need to change the passwords twice, first to a temp password and then back to the original.

–          If you are using Norwegian language then you will also need to add the file into $SYBASE/charsets/iso_1 and tweak the $SYBASE/config/objectid.dat file by adding the following or similar line at the bottom of the collate section:

o  = nocase_iso_1_nor

Find the final number 148 by doing an sp_helpsort in the ase server and looking for the number associated with nocase_iso_1_nor

–          Follow the regular steps for installing a repserver, i.e rs_init which should be fairly straight forward.

When configuring the new rep server set the sort order to nocase_iso_1_nor